Thematic Areas
Sustainable development

Social cohesion and Harmony
NIDA-Pakistan is undertaking interventions to make Pakistan a progressive and a cosmopolitan state that believes and practices principles of peace, love and brotherhood in its internal and external policies. NIDA-Pakistan is also looking in future to create a society where diversity/ pluralism is respected and where differences of opinion are expressed within a democratic framework functioning under the rule of law and where equity is a governing principle. NIDA-Pakistan is supporting peace building initiatives, promotion of alternate conflict resolution, and social cohesion within community and encourage tolerance. The Programs and approaches of NIDA-Pakistan reflect the social cohesion and peaceful coexistence among the diverse communities.

Emergency Response and Humanitarian Assistance
The Global Warming, Natural disasters and terrorism hugely affected Pakistan from the last two decades. The major disasters include; earthquake, flood, draughts, militancy, terrorism, internal displacements dampen economic and social structure. Under this thematic area NIDA-Pakistan is providing lifesaving assistance and emergency response, recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction of affected population thus creating more resilient social structures. NIDA-Pakistan under Emergency response and humanitarian assistance working in partnership with Government departments, national international agencies and humanitarian actors for safeguarding life of communities who have been fallen under natural or men made disasters.
Thematic Areas
Sustainable development
NIDA-Pakistan focusing on United Nation 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)/ Global Goals for 2015-30 and undertaking activities focuses on these SDGs. To achieve these sustainable development goals in the context of Pakistan, NIDA-Pakistan are trying to involve government, private sector, knowledge institutions, think thanks and like-minded organization. NIDA-Pakistan is contributing to achieve targets and indicators of SDGs keeping social needs of the population of Pakistan.
Human Rights, Youth and women Empowerment
In a democracy, the rule of law protects the rights of citizens, maintains order, and limits the power of government. All citizens are equal under the law. No one may be discriminated against on the basis of their race, religion, ethnic group, or gender. Pakistan’s prolonged war against militancy, it ranks 24th out of 35 countries on “Order and Security” an index which considers crime, political violence and terrorism. To tackle this issue NIDA-Pakistan is undertaking initiative through capacity building of law enforcement agencies, Police, and community. NIDA-Pakistan is also helping in safeguarding and protection of people rights. NIDA-Pakistan interventions will promote citizen voices, transparency and accountability. NIDA-Pakistan program evolves around youth and women empowerment as wells as mainstreaming them in nation development. NIDA-Pakistan adopts human rights-based approach to protect the right and dignity of human.